"Herod the king, in his raging,
Chargèd he hath this day
His men of might in his own sight:
All young children to slay."
The arrival of this child is nothing short of an invasion, a New Kingdom breaking into the old. It is a paradigm shift. It is a change in gravity. For the first time, but not the last, Heaven and Earth collide. The effect will ripple up through the ranks of power. An old king will feel it, and he will exact his revenge.
The story darkens. Stories often do.
In an act of sheer cruelty, Herod hunts down all of the sons of Bethlehem. His power threatened, he demands the slaughter of children.
It shouldn't ring so true today, but it does. If you know, you know.
One king hunts the innocent, desperately clinging to his waning power.
Another King is a newborn, too helpless to be a Savior just yet.
Perhaps God is too late. For the mothers and fathers who are victims of Herod's rage, it certainly seems so. There is no justice to be found.
But it won't be this way forever.
Sometimes God's justice works backwards.
There is a change in gravity. Paradigms are shifting. A New Kingdom is breaking forth. An invasion is underway.
With this invasion comes hope. Hope that things will be made right, hope that even our deepest sadness can be a stepping stone to unimaginable glory, hope that even our biggest failures might be part of an even bigger victory to come, hope that no matter how deep the wound, there is Someone who can bring healing.
Hope that maybe, just maybe, God's power to redeem has been working all along.
Hope that a Savior can rescue us from our past so that we don't have to carry it into our future.
